Posts Tagged ‘hmo’


Things to Consider When Letting Your HMO

HMO stands for houses in multiple occupation or houses of multiple occupancy. This kind of let involves three or more tenants who are not a family and so there are shared facilities such as bathrooms and kitchens in the property. Often it is students sharing a house while studying but it can also be any individuals who are happy to share living space with others.

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hmo letting

Why HMO Letting is Different!

Houses of Multiple Occupancy are a unique opportunity to make more money from your property investment by renting space to several individuals at one time. A few fairly simple renovations can alter a property to make it suitable as a HMO meaning monthly revenue can double or even triple. However, renting a house as a HMO means dealing with more tenants, and the more tenants you have the more work there is. It is often not a case of letting the property then returning in 6 months to check out progress, but rather a much more active, hands on job for the landlord. If you aren’t sufficiently prepared for the HMO letting world, the tenants will eat you alive but if you are on top form, as involved as you need to be there is certainly a great deal of money to be made and enjoyable work to be done.

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How to Woo The Perfect Tenant For Your Property

Five Ways to Increase the Chance of Letting Your Property This Summer

There are loads of people out there looking to rent a property but the reality is you want the best tenants there are available, ones that can keep up with the rent, that will treat the property with respect and that will hopefully stay for a long period of time. The market is competitive, so how can you make sure you get the perfect tenant for your property?

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Pros and Cons of Furnishing your Buy-to Let

Pros and Cons of Furnishing your Buy-to-Let

To furnish or not to furnish, that is the question! There are a number of arguments on both sides of the fence as to whether it is worthwhile renting your property with furniture and this blog will look at just a few of them, making you aware of the implications of renting a furnished property but also the benefits that furnishing could bring.

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hmo property

How to Spot a Problem Property

Choosing which properties to invest in as a buy-to-let landlord is one of the most crucial parts of the process. You need to find properties in desirable locations at a good price where the rental market is strong. You must always do the due diligence to work out how much you can make per month from the property to ensure it is a viable investment. Sometimes choosing the right property can go very wrong, problem properties can end up costing you far more than you take in and become difficult to sell on. Here are some tips on how to spot those problem properties so that you can avoid getting into financial difficulty with a bad buy.

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hmo property

Our Top Tips for Filling Your HMO Property with The Right Tenants

In order to make money from a HMO property you need to have your properties as full as possible, as much as possible. You can’t afford to have months going by with rooms unlet or allow tenant disagreements and conflicts to leave you with empty properties. We have some tried and tested tips to help you keep your property full and your tenants happy from the start, all based on making sure you choose the right tenants in the first place.

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