Why seek a Mentor for Property Advice

Mentors like ours at Nick Fox are professional leaders in property investment. They are willing to invest knowledge in others and help people to achieve own their financial success. Our mentors are here to help you through your investments and to give you the foresight to avoid bad investments in future.


Property is a high risk business and making the wrong decisions can cost you dearly. Being well mentored and hearing expert advice from others will save you from making such damaging decisions for yourself.

Here’s why we recommend our property mentors…

A good mentor will provide you with the opportunity to experience areas of their business, looking at properties different to those in your own portfolio and giving you opportunities to explore business investment deals that you would not otherwise consider.

Mentors want to show you the extent of what you can achieve and help you set out goals and strategies to help towards achieving them. A good property mentor will always be there to help you maintain financial focus and not lose track of why you’re investing in the first place.

Finally, a mentor is here to listen and understand the world you are working in. You can have goals realised already but it’s the advice need to achieve them that’s important.


Nick Fox started his property investment career 10 years ago and his portfolio has grown to one of the largest in the UK. Nick now mainly focuses on HMOs (houses in multiple occupation) and works to help others achieve property success too. Visit here to find out how he can help you.

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