As its half-term this week, I have decided to down tools and do what I love best – spending time with my family. I am blessed to have 5 wonderful children from the varying ages of 18 down to 2 and a very supportive and extraordinary partner, whom like me, works hard maintaining a very successful business.We are often fed the notion that wealth, a successful career and material possessions are the crucial ingredients of a happy life, but surely this can not replace the valuable time you have in watching your children grow and flourish. Giving your children new and memorable experiences. Sharing their dreams and hopes for the future. This really was my inspiration in becoming an entrepreneur. I needed a career that allowed me the finance and the time to put first what really is important – my family.Research shows there may still be some way to go before parents are really able put aside work guilt-free and spend more time with their families. While they overwhelmingly agreed family time with their children was the key to happiness, two-thirds admitted they had worked hard to achieve financial goals at the expense of it.During a recent poll, the top 5 luxury desires were not fast cars, expensive jewellery nor a personal butler; it was in fact the simpler things in life, and not about financial status or wealth.
- Family day out – 61 per cent
- Eating out with the family and not having to clear up afterwards -55 per cent
- Having quality time with family without having to rush to clubs/parties – 50 per cent
- Sleeping in on a weekend – 45 per cent
- A romantic meal with partner (while the kids are being looked after) – 42 per cent
We don’t have live-in help, nor do we have an au pair. Apart from the services of the more than accommodating grandparent, we are pretty much full time parents. To run several successful companies, along with various other work commitments is no mean feat. How do I do this ? by putting key staff in place. Managers that can work remotely, left to make decisions without having to be hand-led or hand-tied. Having faith and trust in your team is paramount to the goal of spending quality family time.Financial freedom is one thing; the freedom to grow with your children is another.So where are we now? Gallivanting around London, sightseeing, visiting galleries and museums, watching street entertainers and just chatting and chilling. A 100ft yacht and an Aston Martin couldn’t possibly replace 5 ice cream smiles and a
feeling of pride. Life couldn’t be better! Have a good one.Nick Fox (HMO Expert)
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