Part and parcel of looking after your investment property is conducting regular tenancy inspections.
It’s an opportunity to have a look at the condition of the property, as well as viewing any repair jobs that the tenants have reported to you. It’s also a great way to build a better working relationship with the people renting out your property.
Here’s our guide to what your rights are in terms of entering the property as well as how to make the most of the visit in terms of getting to know your tenants better.
- What are your rights for entering the property?
There are 3 rights that you as a landlord have here –
- Right of reasonable access (this can be immediate if there’s an emergency or you need to carry out repairs).
- Right to inspect the property’s state of repair (this includes emptying the fuel slot meter and needs to be done via appointment as you don’t have the right to immediate access)
- Right of entry to provide room-cleaning services (you’ll need to have a previous agreement with the tenant for this and so you’ll enter by pre-arranged appointment)
- What is the amount of notice that you need to give the tenant?
According to the Housing Act of 1988, you need to give your tenants 24 hours’ notice. You will also have a tenancy agreement in place which should detail that you’ll only visit the property at reasonable times of the day. This also makes sense from the relational point of view, as if you have a good working relationship with your tenant, it makes your life much easier.
In terms of inspections, you only need to visit every quarter or even once every 6 months.
- What things should you check while you’re in the property?
Take a quick look around to observe the general condition of the place and if the tenants are looking after it well. If it’s an HMO, you will need to check every tenant’s room.
Make sure there is no illegal activity taking place or people living there who are not your tenants.
You will also need to check that the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly and that their batteries are ok.
We hope this is useful to you as you plan your next tenancy inspection.
Nick Fox started his property investment career 10 years ago and his portfolio has grown to one of the largest in the UK. Nick now mainly focusses on HMOs (houses in multiple occupation) and works to help others achieve property success too. Visit here to find out how he can help you.
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